How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) is one example of popular media that suggests rules for dating. Some of the rules that are presented through the duration of HIMYM is:
The Three-Day Rule: You must wait three days before texting or calling after a first date.
The Lemon Law: If a date is going badly within the first five minutes, you can "Lemon Law" them and leave.
The Platinum Rule: Never date someone you see regularly (like a coworker or neighbor) because it will always end badly.
The Dobler-Dahmer Theory: If both people are madly in love with each other, then the grand, romantic gestures of love work and that's Dobler (i.e. Lloyd Dobler from 'Say Anything' who held up a boom box outside Diane Court's window). If one person, however, isn't into the other, that gesture comes off as serial-killer crazy (i.e. the serial killer Jeffery Dahmer).
The Reacher/Settler Rule: Every relationship has one person that is out of their league (the Settler) and one person who is dating above their league (the reacher)
The Olive Theory: If one person likes Olives and one person hates Olives, they’re perfect for each other. It’s about balance.